Vertical display EWS

Make your Room Displays Amazing

The most customizable room displays on the market, with support for more hardware devices and deployment scenarios than any other vendor.

Just $9 / display / month.
Start Your Free Trial check-icon No credit card is required. You can cancel anytime

Trusted by IT teams around the world

2,500+ Companies
23 in NASDAQ
40+ Universities
5 Pro Teams
41 Government
120+ Nonprofits

Customization, with no extra fees

  • check-icon Use our theme builder to customize your tablet in seconds.
  • check-icon Apply custom CSS and Scripts for unlimited customization options.
  • check-icon Add modal windows to bring in new functionality.

Integrates with your Existing Calendar System

Localization and Internationalization

Localization & Internationalization

Quickly and easily localize your display into any language, and tweak display options to match your user's expectations.

  • check-icon Available in 16 languages, out of the box.
  • check-icon Add support for any language by customizing a translation file.
  • check-icon Update date & time formats to match your locale.
  • check-icon Supports Right-to-left languages.

Solve Problems around Utilization and Availability

  • check-icon Detailed analytics to diagnose lack of meeting room space
  • check-icon See which rooms are booked the most
  • check-icon Automatically cancel meetings in the event of a no-show
  • check-icon Let your team know when rooms are generally available, and when its easiest to find meeting space
More Features

Included for all Displays

Everything you would expect in a Meeting Room Display

Instant Reservations

Book an available room with a single tap, whether for just a few minutes, or in the future.

Extend Meetings

Got a good thing? Keep it going! Extend meetings with a single tap.

End Meetings Early

End meetings early and see the results instantly in Outlook or Google Calendar.

Room Finder

Find an available space, quickly. See an overview of every space, from every meeting room display.

Report Room Issues

Let your users contact you directly from the tablet, and even route everything through your existing support system.

Message Banners

Quickly add message banners to communicate important information to your staff on any display.

Getting Started is Fast & Easy!


Demo & Free Trial

Download the app to get a feel for what you can do, and how it would work in your organization.



Provision hardware, plan for installation, and create Resources (Calendars) on your Email system.



Once you’ve set up accounts & tablets, you’re ready for company onboarding.

Try Meeting Room 365 with no limitations.


Frequently Asked Questions

We support older versions of iOS, starting with 9.3.5 (iPad 2, iPad mini), and Android, starting with 4.4.2, and similar versions of FireOS based on Android 4+. However, older versions of these operating systems can only support the v2 Meeting Room display theme.
Yes! We support MDM services which use the AppConfig standard, including Jamf Pro, SimpleMDM, and many others.
For Microsoft Office 365, you can either connect each resource mailbox directly, exposing the least amount of permissions to edit its calendar, or set up a service user with a limited admin role, that has delegate permission to all of your resource mailbox calendars.
Calendar read/write permissions are required, which gives us access to all calendars managed by the service user you create in Google Workspace. Calendars connected to Meeting Room 365 must be shared with this user.
We support all versions of Exchange. Several security options are available, including IP whitelisting, and User-Agent whitelisting.